Kategori: Holdninger
Jeg har været på vulkaner
A food roadie’s supper
Chicken, cabbage, garlic, mustard, onions …
Bacon Beans
Yes. Bacon-flavoured jelly beans. After the initial and remarkable, albeit synthetic bacon, the overall feeling is a bit like the glue I used for model WWII airplanes. Not really a hit with me.
Stupid question
It’s all about food surpluses that need to be pushed into the mouths of the unsecure. Arla just launched a “chocolate cheese” too, by the way.
Øger et dannebrogsflag efterspørgselen på dansk svinekød?
I går blev jeg ringet op af en studerende fra min gamle Alma Mater, Syddansk Universitet i Odense. Hun havde fået til opgave at lave en imagekampagne, der kan forbedre efterspørgslen efter dansk svinekød. Har du lyst til at være med i empirien af undersøgelsen, kan du prøve kræfter med dette spørgeskema. Baggrunden: I 2010 […]
Powershopper lige lidt, m’kay?
Experiment #Umpteen
White asparagus and salsify salad. Potato, mashed with eggs and green garlic. Dry cured pork.
Sunday repair
Poster at the de Struise Stand. Okay with me. I am only moderately drank.
VIP clowns
The best food stand at Beer Festival risks a ban. Apparently VIP has the concession and considers Martin and his pulled pork a threat to their business. Martin’s is a one man stand, serving quality food (devilled eggs, pulled pork, bacon popcorn), perfectly matching the breweries that hosts it. VIP is a million kroner business […]